Jackery Upgraded Carrying Case Bag for Explorer 500/300 Plus/300/240 (S)

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Jackery Upgraded Carrying Case Bag for Explorer 500/300 Plus/300/240 (S)

$ 44.99



  • BUILT FOR THE EXPLORER 240/300/300 Plus/500/550: This compact and hardy one-hand bag is designed for the Jackery Explorer 240/300/300 Plus/500/550. With a large storage capacity (dimensions 12.2*8.1*11.0 in) this bag has enough space to store necessary accessories in addition to a power station.

  • PRACTICAL AND PROTECTIVE: Encased in polyester material, the case protects your power station from dust, scratches and moisture while embedded pearl cotton foam allows for the perfect fusion of interior cushioning and exterior safeguarding.

  • VERSATILE AND DURABLE: Crafted with soft and foldable materials, the Jackery bag ensures practicality and protection.
  • SPLASH-RESISTANT: The bag is firmly zipper-sealed against splashes and light to moderate rain.

  • UP AND AWAY: Featuring durable double handles with adjustable straps, the bag keeps your Jackery Explorer all set for outdoor fun such as car camping, RV living, or road trips.

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Default Title
Jackery Upgraded Carrying Case Bag for Explorer 500/300 Plus/300/240 (S)
$ 44.99
Jackery Upgraded Carrying Case Bag for Explorer 500/300 Plus/300/240 (S)

Customer Reviews

Based on 14 reviews

Fits the Jackery Explorer 500 and the power cords perfectly.

Gregory Engfer
Wonderful jackery generator

I got 500 watt for camping and home use during emergency. It's great and replacing my 240 watt jackery generator


Quick and perfect

Anthony K
It's a nice bag



Jackery Upgraded Carrying Case Bag for Explorer 500/300 Plus/300/240 (S)


  • Designed especially to fit the E240/E300, this soft-lined case features an inner compartment for wall charger and USB cable, which is the best practical bag for your travel and outdoor activities with your Explorer 240/300.


  • The soft liner keeps your portable charger's case free of scratches. Mesh Style with Zipper Enclosure, Inner Pocket secures item from movement, soft cloth lined interior to safeguard your earphones and Durable Exterior.


  • With carrying handle and adjustable, detachable shoulder strap suitable for American people height perfectly.


BUILT FOR THE EXPLORER 240/300/500: This compact and hardy one-hand bag is designed for the Jackery Explorer 240/300/300 Plus/500. With a large storage capacity (dimensions 12.2*8.1*11 inches) this bag has enough space to store necessary accessories in addition to a power station.


  • PRACTICAL AND PROTECTIVE: Encased in polyester material, the case protects your power station from dust, scratches and moisture while embedded pearl cotton foam allows for the perfect fusion of interior cushioning and exterior safeguarding.

  • SPLASH-RESISTANT: The bag is firmly zipper-sealed against splashes and light to moderate rain.


VERSATILE AND DURABLE: Crafted with soft and foldable materials, the Jackery bag ensures practicality and protection.


UP AND AWAY: Featuring durable double handles with adjustable straps, the bag keeps your Jackery Explorer all set for outdoor fun such as car camping, RV living, or road trips.



Dimension: 12.2*8.1*11 inch(310*205*280 mm)

Color: Gray + Orange

What You Get

• 1x Carrying Case Bag (Small Size)


Q: Can I use the generator while it's in the bag?

   A: We suggest do not use it while in the bag since it’s form fitting.

Q: Does the case include room for the power cords?

  A: Yes, it still have room to put the power cords.

Q: Is it fit for Jackery Explorer 300?

A: Yes, the carrying case bag is fit for Explorer 240 and 300.

Don't see the answer you're looking for? Send us your questions!

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