Can Jackery Power a Circular Saw? Which Model, How Long Can It Run?

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Can Jackery Power a Circular Saw? Which Model, How Long Can It Run?
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Yes, Jackery can power a circular saw, including its various types, for outdoor and indoor use. The Jackery Solar Generator and Jackery Portable Power Station can provide renewable and clean energy whether you live off-grid, need power for outdoor adventures, or face power outages.

In this guide, you can learn about the wattage consumption of different circular saws and which Jackery model would be compatible with charging them. Also, know about the appliances' working hours and how to calculate working hours with the right generator size.

How Much Electricity Does Circular Saw Use?  

A circular saw uses 1000-2000 watts on average, but the wattage consumption of a circular saw can vary depending on the model and functionality. Different types of circular saws include sidewinder, hypoid, compact, corded, and cordless saws. Each type has a different wattage consumption, and the one with a good power rating should be preferred for daily use.

Can Jackery Power A Circular Saw?

Through its portable power station and solar generator, Jackery can power circular saws of different types and wattages. The appliance's wattage consumption also depends upon the device's brand, usability, and working hours.

Here's a table showing the running time of different Jackery Portable Power Stations when they charge a circular saw (1000W).

Note: The operating wattage is considered 1000W. The running time indicated in the table is just for your reference, and the actual time might differ.   

Jackery Model


Running Time (= Battery Capacity in Wh × 0.85 / Operating Wattage of Circular Saw 

Jackery 1000



Jackery 1000 v2



Jackery 1000 Plus



Jackery 1500 



Jackery 2000 Plus 



Jackery 2000 Plus Kit (4kWh) 



Jackery 2000 Plus Kit (6kWh)



Jackery 2000 Plus Kit (24kWh) 



Jackery 5000 Plus 5040Wh 4.2H

Step 1: Check The Started And Rated Wattage Of Circular Saw

The wattage that an appliance draws while running continuously is called the rated wattage, and the wattage required to start an appliance is the started wattage or surge wattage of that device. The started and rated wattage are mentioned on the device or user manual provided by the manufacturer. You can also calculate the wattage by multiplying the device's volts and amperes.

Step 2: Check the Started And Rated Output Wattage Of Jackery

The power station capacity should always be higher than the capacity of the circular saw. For that, it is essential to check the portable power station's started and rated output wattage. There is a small trick by which you can know the output wattage of the power station, and that is by seeing its model number. However, the trick doesn’t apply to the Plus series. For example, the Jackery Solar Generator 1000 will have a rated output wattage of 1000 watts.

Let’s say you want to run a circular saw (1000W) with Jackery Explorer 2000 Plus Portable Power Station; then you can calculate the working hours using the formula given below:

Working Hours = Jackery Portable Power Station Capacity in Wh × 0.85 / Operating Wattage of the Circular Saw

Working Hours =  2042.8Wh × 0.85 / 1000W = 1.7 hours.

Note: While charging the devices, some power loss occurs; hence, multiplied by 0.85.

circular saw power supply flowchart

Jackery Solar Solutions For Different Circular Saw Types

Below are three recommended Jackery Solar Generators for road trips, off-grid living, blackouts, and home emergency backup, based on the actual and average use.

Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus - Recommended For Road Trips

The Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus delivers a large capacity of solar power to keep your power ready whenever you are on a road trip or outdoor adventure or need power backup for home emergencies. It can cover versatile scenarios and charge various types of circular saws, such as hypoid, compact, cordless, sidewinder, and corded. The solar generator is portable enough for outdoor and road trips, does not produce any toxins, and operates quietly.

Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus Kit (4kWh) - Recommended For Off-grid Living, Blackouts

Due to its large capacity, the Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus Kit (4kWh) is ideal for power outages, off-grid living, and extended blackouts. It can charge various types of circular saws, such as compact, cordless, corded, and sidewinder.

Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus Kit (6kWh) - Recommended For Heavy Duty Circular Saws

The Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus Kit (6kWh) can support add-on battery packs, and it is ideal for off-grid living, blackouts, outdoor camping, etc. It can charge different kinds of saws, from compact and cordless saws that consume average wattages to high-wattage circular saws like corded, sidewinder, and hypoid. It has long-lasting reliability with ultra-fast solar charging and can power up to 18 devices.

Appliance Watts

Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus

Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus Kit (4kWh)

Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus KIt (6kWh)






Rated And Surge Wattage


Rated: 3000W

Surge: 6000W

Rated: 3000W

Surge: 6000W

Rated: 3000W

Surge: 6000W


800W - 1200W





1000W - 1800W





1600W - 2200W





1500W - 2000W





1800W - 2500W




Note: The running time of Jackery Solar Generators mentioned in the table is when the battery-powered inverter generator is fully charged.

Jackery Solar Generator and Jackery Portable Power Station: How to Choose?

If you live off the grid or are affected by frequent power cuts and blackouts, the Jackery Solar Generator can be an ideal solar power system for your power needs. It combines Jackery SolarSaga Solar panels, which absorb solar energy from the sun when placed out on a sunny day.

The solar panels convert sun energy into electrical energy and transfer it to the Jackery Portable Power Station, which stores it for future use. The portable power station has a built-in inverter that converts direct Current (DC) into alternating current (AC) and supplies power to the appliances.

The Jackery Portable Power Station can be used during camping, glamping, RVing, or outdoor adventures. It is portable and compact and can be carried anywhere easily. It can be charged using a wall outlet in an area with a grid power supply.


The Jackery Portable Power Station and Jackery Solar Generators can charge various types of circular saws. Choosing the right size generator or power station for charging circular saws is essential. For example, the Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus can charge compact, cordless, corded, and sidewinder circular saws ranging from 800 to 2200 watts. On the other hand, the Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus Kit (4kWh) and Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus Kit (6kWh) can charge compact, cordless, corded, sidewinder, and hypoid circular saws ranging from 800 to 2500 watts.

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