Jackery Stories/Camping in the Wilderness
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James Paulson

Camping in the Wilderness

James Paulson (IG: @10closestfriends) is a passionate camper who loves exploring the outdoors. He loves bringing his community to camp in the wilderness and creating unforgettable memories surrounded by the beauty of nature. During his interview, James shares his camping adventures and his love for outdoor activities. He also talks about using Jackery Explorer 1000 Pro (similar model Jackery Explorer 1000 Plus) - his true sidekick that powers all outdoor gear and acts as home battery backup when he's home.

1. Who are you, and how did you come across Jackery? 

I'm James Paulson, and I own a real estate business. I've been really active in the wilderness in different ways throughout my entire life. But now, I'm really getting into sharing the outdoors with people and like putting trips together to go and explore the outdoors. From camping in a campground to overlanding.

I live in Oregon, so we have a lot of things available to us in the Pacific Northwest. And I like to put together these different outings. We try to go year-round. I love camping right on the side of a lake, and that's where the Jackery comes in because there's no power at all. And when you add on campfire bans, it means your need for electricity is even greater because it's not like you can just sit around the campfire to stay warm. You’ll also have a lot of other needs, meaning more electronic devices, which means you have to recharge them and that's why I went with a Jackery.

2. Why did you choose the Explorer 1000 Pro? 

I figured I was going with the 1000 Pro because of the new technology:  it recharges faster, and it's lighter.  

It's expensive, you know, and so you have to put costs into the equation of things. There was a car accident and the power went out in our neighborhood. And my wife's like, "I can't work because the Wi-Fi is down". We didn't have a Jackery or whatever. And we realized quickly how we were kind of stuck. And that's when I was like, “I can have the Jackery for powering the home.” And it's also a power source that I can take with me when I go out on these camping trips.

My wife and I have an Instagram account called 10 closest friends — and that's where we post most of our camp cooking videos and other stuff like that. Before Jackery, we had a propane heating pot that my wife used to make her morning coffee. But now she uses Jackery to make her coffee — making morning coffee easier and more convenient. 

3. What are your views related to diversity in the camping community? 

The reality is when you go out to these rural outdoor places, there isn't a whole lot of diversity — so that's a fear factor for a lot of people. I like to go out, do these trips, and take different people on adventures. I want people to feel safe like I do. 

I have taken a lot of people out camping who've never gone camping before. When I talk to adults and ask why they haven't gone camping? They say they weren't introduced to camping as a kid. And now they have different fears, like they're afraid of people, the animals out there, and the fear of not having the gear. 

I connect with people and guide them on which gear they need or how to use it. You have to build trust with people you go camping with, and then they get to experience and explore the world. 

4. What would you advise to people who have never been camping? 

For someone who is completely new to camping, I'd recommend starting slowly — start with a hiking day trip. They can drive for two hours, pack a lunch, and do a hike and picnic. This will help them get their logistics down before they do an overnight. 

During their first overnight, I'd say go to a national park or other campground-friendly area where there's going to be a lot of people around. It's not advisable to jump straight into a self-sustained camping experience without having others around for support. 

5. What are some challenges you’ve faced while camping? 

When I started camping as a little kid, Eastern Oregon was a very challenging place to be a minority in.

But I didn't let these things dissuade me. It's not like I'm fighting for justice here; it's more like I'm living. When I look back now, I'd say that I don't really run into those types of challenges. I think that times are different now, and that's why I think being out in the wild can be safe and enjoyable now, especially when I don’t have to worry about power anymore.